Thursday 1 February 2024

Wikiquote Page • Inessa Kraft


Wikiquote Page • Inessa Kraft
Wikiquote Page • Inessa Kraft

Philosophy is very important to me. It is philosophy - that brought me into acting. Then, the desire to share ideas also led me to tell stories by making films, and I am delighted to see quotes from my stories featured on this Wikiquote page. 

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Four Seasons – One Day • Inessa Kraft

“Four Seasons – One Day,” the latest project by filmmaker, actress, and philosopher Inessa Kraft, has just completed its post-production phase and is quickly becoming part of the official selection at film festivals, especially in the travel category.  -Filmlocal

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Island-Abenteuer. Schätze und Geheimnisse.


Schätze und Geheimnisse.

Hast du jemals davon geträumt, auf eine unbewohnte Insel zu entkommen? Tauche in unsere Talkshow ein und erfahre mehr über zwei Abenteurer, die diesen Traum in die Realität umgesetzt haben.
